Horse Illustrated Reader’s Horsey Holiday Memories


2021 Horse Illustrated Holiday ContestThe following readers offered their favorite horsey holiday memories as part of our 2021 Horse Illustrated Holiday Contest. Thank you to all who entered. The winner has been notified of their win of a Horse Illustrated subscription. Happy Holidays!

Dolly T. - Horsey Holiday Memory
Photo Courtesy Dolly T.

From Dolly T.

My favorite horse related memory is that of me and my 16 year old Friesian/ Missouri Foxtrotter, Chase Manhattan. She is gentle and loving and willing to do whatever is asked of her. I walked her down to a frozen pond with ice skates in hand. Dressed in Christmas attire, we took in the sights and posed for some festive photos taken by my husband. If this doesn’t put you in the holiday spirit, nothing will.




Jewell C. - Horsey Holiday Memory
Photo Courtesy Jewell C.

Jewell C.

This picture was from my second Christmas spent with my horse. It was the first time I dressed her up for a Christmas photo, and I’ve been doing it every year since. My horse, Glory, wasn’t sure about having something on her head at first, but she posed great for the photo!




Sharon P.

Sharon P. - Miniature Horse and Donkey - Santa Claus and Ms. Claus
Photo Courtesy Sharon P.

Kahty M. - Banjo
Photo Courtesy Kathy M.

Kathy M.

After being a lesson “kid” for most of my life (I’m now in my late 50’s), I pulled the trigger and started leasing this big boy named Top Notch Five Banjo. He has an Instagram account with more followers than me! He was part of the SDSU equestrian team making him a Division 1 athlete. Each year my family does a holiday card, and it’s usually something “unique,” and so this year I wanted to incorporate my horse. So did a photoshoot. This photo is more normal than some of our other photos.

Kate N. - Horses and Christmas
Photo Courtesy Kate N.

Kate N.

2020 was a hard year for most, and so to lighten it up a bit during the holidays, I bought a bunch of fun Christmas props from the Dollar Store, and we dressed up the horses. I didnt realize that one of these incredible horses, Midknight, the black Arabian, would pass just ten months later, so I’m glad I gave him a great last holiday and have these fun photos and memories with him. The ranch owner where I boarded was also having a tough time so I helped make her smile by dressing up her horses, too!


Susan M. - Horsey Holiday Memory
Photo Courtesy Susan M.

Susan M.

My husband new I wanted a picture of my horse next to the Christmas tree. He told me “do not bring the horse in the house.” I knew he must be kidding. So when he left for work, I brought Diamond in the house for her Christmas picture. This is the picture we sent my husband.

Do you have a favorite horsey holiday memory you would like to share with readers? Please do so in the comments below.


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